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A podcast focusing on issues relevant to Korea. Topics include politics, social issues, sports, culture and more. A combination of random deep dives into interesting issues, guest interviews with experts, and in-depth explorations of recent Korean history, news-makers and off-the-beaten track current events.
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Apr 29, 2018

Lots of punditry already from international/western media. Focus on the domestic reaction.

Recap of highlights:
- 김정은 inviting 문재인 to briefly step across the border
- General cordial atmosphere. 김정은 using honorific to the much older 문재인
- Wives also had good chemistry despite age difference.
- most interesting aspect of the summit was the "midday walk" and one-on-one convo

Domestic reaction:
- as expected, overwhelmingly positive. conservative/progressive press focused on different aspects of the summit
- lots of emotional/tearful reactions from the public. surreal to see the two leaders together hugging it out and generally getting along. 김정은 being humanized too much?
- optimism abounds for a real settlement to the nuclear issue, peace treaty and eventual confederation/reunification despite different interpretations to the joint statement 판문점 선언

Political reaction:
- Ruling 민주 party obviously very effusive. 3 minor opposition parties also to varying degrees positive about the summit results.
- Main opposition LKP/자한당 find themselves boxed into political bind. Need to keep their ultra-right 태극기 base. But that will never exceed 20%. 나경원 "어처구니가 없다" controversy, 홍준표 "위장평화쇼" comments met with huge backlash. But also upset they weren't invited to dinner gala with 김정은. 바른미래 minor conservative party sees an opportunity to usurp the LKP. But can't blame the LKP as they have no cards to play.

What happens next:
- upcoming 김정은/Trump summit will determine if all of the progress made in the 남북 summit will come to fruition.
- because of the timing of that summit, the "peace" frame with North Korea will continue being a huge issue, which bodes well for government/ruling party in upcoming local elections

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